Day One

Tuesday 11 June 2024

7:00 am Check-In & Breakfast

8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Increasing Collaboration Between Stakeholders

8:10 am Panel: Understanding Current Owner Priorities to Enhance Your Competitive Advantage

  • Dan Rice Director, Design & Construction, Longfellow Real Estate Partners LLC
  • Gilbert Kwan BIM Program Business Process Owner, Amgen
  • Sandy Young Director, CBRE


  • Uncovering the biggest challenges owners are facing with their current portfolios and the resulting strategic priorities going into 2025
  • Highlighting lessons learned from past projects and AEC relationships: Where have we gone wrong and what do we need from our partners for success as a result?
  • Exploring requirements for structural flexibility, modularization and quick to deploy fit out solutions to help owners navigate an industry in flux

8:50 am Supporting Client Portfolio Optimization to Create Longer-Lasting, More Beneficial Relationships


  • Exploring the value that designers and contractors can bring during early capital planning cycles: What are the client gaps in knowledge that persist?
  • Initiating conversations to contribute meaningful industry expertise in everything from site selection, to allocation of spend, to design standardization
  • Navigating regional differences in requirements from the same customer to ensure consistent client satisfaction without compromising quality

9:30 am Aligning Project Expectations from the Outset to Improve Trust & Collaboration Across a Global Team


  • Spotlighting the primary gaps in communication that lead to misalignment of project goals between owners, designers and contractors
  • Building the foundations for success by setting clear parameters and expectations for handoffs from one stakeholder to another
  • Agreeing clear documentation processes and leading indicators to prove the project is on track

10:40 am Speed Networking & Morning Refreshments

11:20 am Promoting a Collaborative Project Environment Through Early Team Onboarding to Increase Both Efficiency & Quality of Project Delivery

  • Matt Liebing Executive Vice President, Executive Construction


  • Identifying the common obstacles to collaborative delivery models: What can be learned from them moving forward?
  • Discussing how designers and contractors can support internal conversations to foster better collaboration throughout the project lifecycle
  • Exploring how to create clear lines of communication during preconstruction to ensure project and overall team success

Optimizing Design Decision Making

12:00 pm Maximizing Flexibility in the Design Decision Making Process: Balancing Early Decision Making with the Ability to Integrate the Most Innovative Equipment & Operating Systems


  • Understanding the impact that rapidly evolving scientific and technological innovations are having upon project cost and schedule escalation
  • Pinpointing the critical hold points to avoid schedule and cost escalations, and what can be delayed to ensure maximum flexibility
  • Having clear conversations upfront about client priorities to map out the necessary trade-offs for flexibility vs what needs to be locked in early

12:40 pm Lunch Break

1:40 pm Case Study: Building Adaptability into Facility Design to Maximize Future Resilience at Minimal Cost

  • Russ Drinker West Coast Director – Science & Technology, Flad Architects


  • Exploring the opportunities for flexible design options and the impacts to project cost and schedule
  • Identifying the main barriers in building flexibility into life science facilities and how to work towards overcoming them
  • Ensuring MEP design has the capacity to deliver multi-modal facilities and prevent cross-contamination

2:20 pm Audience Discussion: Evolving Standard Design Formats That Meet Global Regulatory Standards to Capitalize on Speed-to-Market Across Your Portfolio


  • Finding ways to stay on top of the constantly evolving regulatory requirements for life science facilities across multiple bodies
  • Understanding what is most important to your client when dealing with multiple agencies and layers of standards
  • Creating a standardized module design that can be utilized to accelerate design timelines across a client portfolio: What is the maximum amount of standardization that can be achieved?

3:00 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Challenging Facility Types

3:40 pm Navigating the Challenges of Building Laboratories to Spec with Developers to Accelerate Speed-to-Market & Adaptability for Any End-User


  • Understanding how to bring maximum value to early conversations with your developer during conceptual design and logistics planning
  • Designing with maximum flexibility and speed to ensure the developer is able to meet the needs of any tenant, and lease the space as quickly as possible: What additional tactics can be deployed in the construction phase to further minimize time to start up?
  • Effectively working with end-users when they are onboarded to support fit-out in line with their requirements

4:20 pm Case Study: Supporting the Repurposing of Existing Infrastructure to Enhance Client Portfolios

  • Bill Olsen Vice President of Construction Operations, Windover Construction
  • Amr Raafat Chief Innovation Officer, Windover Construction


  • Understanding the benefits for the client of repurposing existing spaces rather than building from the ground up
  • Utilizing innovative solutions for evaluation of existing facility layout and systems to support site selection and inform design decision making
  • Creating a robust plan to minimize disruption to facility operations and increase efficiencies during construction and beyond

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:10 pm End of Conference Day One